InsightsPortfolio January 10, 2020 A look back at our first 12 months Longwave Australian Small Companies Fund - Our first 12 months. (Jan-20) Jarrad Brevi Love0
InsightsValuation December 28, 2019 2019 ASX small cap observations Our 2019 Australian small cap observations (not forecasts). (Dec-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
DiversificationInsightsInvestment Process November 20, 2019 Diversification is about better returns Why we believe diversification is about better returns not lower risk. (Nov-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
BehaviouralInsights October 20, 2019 Stock selection: Average is scarce Just how scarce average is in the stock selection process is often lost on investors. (Oct-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
InsightsValuation September 29, 2019 Rotation to value? Mr Market drops first track During September we witnessed a sharp swing in returns from value stocks relative to growth stocks. (Sep-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
AccountingInsights August 10, 2019 When ‘professional scepticism’ is needed Why we must employ 'professional scepticism' when analysing financial statements. (Aug-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
InsightsReportingValuation July 20, 2019 The link between valuation and momentum Reporting seasons bring surprises – but by definition we don’t know where. (Jul-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
DiversificationInsights June 20, 2019 Small cap portfolio construction Small cap portfolio construction requires balance. There are tools and treasures. (Jun-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
InsightsValuation May 30, 2019 Amazon and Damodaran prove valuation is hard Previous Amazon valuation attempts shows just how difficult investing can be. (May-19) Jarrad Brevi Love0
ESGInsights April 20, 2019 Renewable energy can’t be ignored 3 mega trends driving economic disruption that rivals the microprocessor or the Internet. (Apr-19) inderjitkaur Love0